One Woman's Struggle To Shed Weight, And Shame
by Tovia Smith
July 25, 2011

Kara Curtis has poured all her energy and untold resources into trying to get fit. But she admits that what she really needs is not to burn more calories but to eat less.
July 25, 2011
In her 37 years, Kara Curtis has seen every dress size from 26 to 6. Looking through old photos, in her slimmer days, you see a young girl standing tall and pretty in her tiara as high school prom queen, and strong and lean in team shots of her track and swim teams.
彼女の37年間をふり返ると、カラ・カーティスはサイズ26から6まで、あらゆるサイズの服を見てきたことになる。 彼女が痩せていた時代の、昔の写真を見ると、そこには高校でのダンスパーティでのプロム・クイーンに選ばれて、ティアラを付けた背が高くて可愛いい彼女や、陸上や水泳チームの写真の中に強くて、筋肉質の彼女がいる。
Growing up in rural upstate New York, Curtis and her family were totally into fitness and nutrition. Her mom used to send her to school with a lunchbox packed with liverwurst on homemade whole-wheat pita, topped with sprouts grown in their kitchen cabinet. It kind of makes sense, Curtis says, that she went a bit crazy for chocolate and cheesy stuff when she was finally living out on her own. But it still took her by surprise after college when she gained nearly 100 pounds in a year.
ニューヨークの北部の田舎で育ち、カーティスと彼女の一家はフィットネスと栄養学のお手本のような生活だった。彼女の母親は、自家製の全粒粉のピタパンに、台所で育てたモヤシをトッピングしたレバーソーセージを挟んだ弁当を持たせて、彼女を学校に送り出していた。 だから、親元を離れて生活するようになったとき、チョコレートやチーズ塗れの食べ物に走ったのは、もっともなことだったとカーティスは振り返る。しかし、さらに、そのことが1年で100ポンド(45kg)近く太った時に、彼女を、更に驚かすことになった。

As part of her exercise routine, Curtis starts most mornings walking a gaggle of neighborhood toddlers to their day care.
"I remember the first time I ever heard myself called obese — it was terrible," Curtis recalls. She was at her doctor's for a regular check up when he started dictating notes in front of her, describing her as "an obese 22-year-old." "I was just shocked to hear the word obese related to me." Curtis says.
「私は今でも、私が初めてデブと呼ばれた時を覚えているわ・・最悪だったわ。」と彼女は言う。彼女が定期診断で医者の前に座ったとき、その医者が、彼女について「22歳のデブちゃん」とつぶやきながら、彼女の前で診断書を書き始めた。 私は、私について使われたデブという言葉にショックを受けたわ」
No Easy Solution 簡単な解決策はない
Fifteen years, countless failed diets and another 100 pounds later, "and now I'm morbidly obese," Curtis says. "And it's just overwhelming."
Indeed, as one of the 70 million Americans who are obese, Curtis has watched her weight become the overriding fact of her life. It's why she put off buying a new car, and stuck with a less-than-fulfilling job (she worried her size would limit her options.) It's why she bought a custom-made bathrobe and porch swing and why she can't comfortably go to the movies or get on a bike or in a boat.
"I love to kayak, but I haven't been in years because I'm afraid my hips will get stuck," she says.
At 300 pounds, every day is a struggle with the little things — like chafing on her inner thighs or tying her shoes — and with the biggies — like love. With bright eyes and high cheekbones, Curtis is as pretty as she is engaging and witty. And she's into kids and family, but totally down on the idea of ever getting back into dating.